Saturday, march 22, 2025
Sherwood School Gym – 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
CABIN FEVER – Spring Festival
Entry is FREE! We will have BBQ plates of Brisket or Chicken served with baked beans and Macaroni and Cheese for $10.00 or the child’s plate or baked beans, macaroni and cheese, and a hot dog for $5.00 (while supplies last). Come check out the silent auction with cures for your cabin fever, including and inclusive golf trip to New Zealand (airfare not included), Vegas, Mexico or Flyfishing in Montana. Games and Prizes for all ages, Cupcake/Money Walk sponsored by Cameron Hardware and buy local from our vendors.
Sneak Peek of Silent Auction Items: Spring Festival – CABIN FEVER | Facebook

April 12, 2025
Sherwood City Park – 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Adult Easter Egg Hunt
All the Easter fun without the kid prizes! More than 100 eggs filled with minis, cash, lotto tickets, drink tokens and much more! Must be at least 21 as of the day of the event.
Alcoholic Slushies will be served
Seminar with Erin Berentson
Date and Time TBD
Erin is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist | Family & Community Wellness Extension Agent. This seminar she plans on covering nutritional labels and how to read them.

Seminar with Meschelle Jackson
June 14, 2025 – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Sherwood’s Shared Treasures behind the library
Meschelle Jackson is a master clinical aromatherapist and herbalist. Learn what aromatherapy is and how it can help you.
Recycling Aluminum Cans
Since January of 2024 the pantry has raised more than $1000.00 with the collection of aluminum cans. Aluminum tabs are pulled off and set aside for the Ronald McDonald Ranch House Charities. Aluminum Cans can be dropped off at Cameron Hardware between the rear entrance and the warehouse, please set them out of the way and please watch for parking, driveways and alleyways.

World’s Finest Chocolate
There are a variety of World’s Finest Chocolate located at the register at Cameron Hardware. Options include $1.00 or $2.00 bars. Buy one or request a box. (While supplies last)
See’s Candies
See’s Candies was founded by Charles See, a Canadian who settled in Los Angels. It has been an American handmade icon since 1921.
They offer several varieties on candies to fit your personal tastes. Not all are offered through the fundraising pages but purchase a gift card and you support the pantry and are able to purchase freely. Best of all it’s delivered to your mailbox.
Our Spring Sale can be located at:
After Easter you can still grab your favorites at:

Food or Item Donations
We always appreciate donations – it’s how we are able to serve the community. We do take all donations, we only ask that if you won’t eat it yourself because its outdated or damaged please don’t donate it. We pride ourselves on serving our community with quality products to stock their pantries and freezers.
We do accept wild game, fish, meats of all kinds, if it is something that you feel isn’t common, please include one of your favorite recipes for the item to help our recipients.
We also accept personal hygiene items, paper goods, canned and boxed goods.
Contact us for location drop off or pick up.